Posted on March 13, 2011, in Catholic Action, Catholic Social Teaching, Communism, Conversion, Doctrine and Life, International Ethics, Irish Church-State Relations, Irish History, Persecution, Second Vatican Council. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. This is so tragically peophetic.

  2. This is an article that demands re-reading and reflection. among the points that most struck me was ‘soft charity’, leaving us in a swamp. ‘Being nice’ to everyone for many seems to be the most important thing. I’m not immune from it as a person or as a priest.

    I often point out to people here that North Africa was once a flourishing Christian area producing many great people such as St Augustine. Islam ended all of that. When I entered the seminary in 1961 Ireland, Belgium and the Netherlands were probably the three countries with the greatest percentage of missionaries overseas. Now the churches in Belgium and the Netherlands are empty and abortion and euthanasia are legal. The seminaries are in those two countries and in Ireland are nearly all closed.

    However, we are called to preach and live the Good News and may we, with God’s grace, do so. One good sign is that missionaries groups such as the Columbans, the Scheut Missionaries of Belgium (CICM) and other groups are attracting young men to the priesthood in the countries where they originally went to preach the gospel.

  1. Pingback: Desmond Fennell criticizes legacy of Vatican II « Lux Occulta

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